Back Lane Studios’ friend Anna Tierney has launched a new program to turn short written pieces from local and international writers into audio works through a collaborative process. “Tell Me A Story” debuted Sunday, April 25 at 1:30 p.m. and will feature eight short pieces of new writing, read by the writers themselves and a cast of international actors. Watch it on YouTube.
The Writers: Lizzie Clarke, Toni Ellwand, Joanne Shimotakahara, Jerome McNicholl, Justin Otto, Polly Phokeev and Lisa Randall.
The Readers: Lizzie Clarke, Caroline Moroney, David Hargreaves, Kika Markham, Lisa Randall, Nathan Carroll, Joanne Shimotakahara, Kate Ross, David Tompa, Harrison Browne, Justin Otto, David Keeley, Ellie Ellwand and Annick Sheedy McLellan.